Hot news; See the software section to download the freshly scanned YRM MIDI Macro & Monitor Manual or the YRM-306 cartridge. A rare DX7-II/FD Editor, brought to my attention by Chris Conkie

Hot news; See the software section to download the freshly scanned YRM MIDI Macro & Monitor Manual or the YRM-306 cartridge. A rare DX7-II/FD Editor, brought to my attention by Chris Conkie
I got a call from Chris Conkie who had some nice screenshots for me so I added 5 new ROM images to the Software page:
Chances are you have a thing for the 80s, checking out CX5M stuff and all. The sound of that era is quite recognizable to say the least.
There are a lot of musicians out there still grasping that sound and producing new 80s music. There are great tunes to be discovered on the Future City Records label. Check out their stream here on soundcloud.
Amazing that I haven’t come across this MML player before:
I used to program songs in MML on the MSX (the Music Macro cartridge YRM-104 also makes use of this syntax).
The MML Player is based on Flash’ SiON engine which actually is able to emulate all the CX5M’s soundchips:
just sayin’….